For Developers
DReSA is committed to the FAIR principles: making data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable. As such, all data in DReSA is available under the CC BY 4.0 licence, and can be accessed through our API and widgets. The DReSA codebase is also available on GitHub for re-use under the BSD Licence.

DReSA events and materials can be displayed on your website using widgets. There are several different styles and functionalities available from our configurable widget suite. The javascript code and documentation about using these widgets is available in our detailed documentation guide.

View Our Available Widgets

Below is a live example of the TeSS Maps widget.

If you do decide to include our widgets on your website, we have a mailing list you can join to keep informed about any service disruptions, required updates, or new features

Join the widgets mailing list


DReSA (Staging) has a fully functioning JSON API. You can explore our JSON-API by appending .json_api to the end of the URL of most pages (excluding parameters). For example:

The full documentation for our JSON API with interactive examples can be found in our Swagger Hub Documentation

View our API on SwaggerHub

We recommend using our JSON API, but if you have already begun using our old API technical information can still be found on our here.