General Q&As for users:

What does DReSA stand for?
DReSA is the short form name for the Digital Research Skills Australasia training registry.
What is DReSA?
DReSA is a free and open online registry that helps researchers in Australia and New Zealand discover digital research skills training events, materials, providers and trainers. DReSA is not a repository for direct access to digital training objects (events and materials). It is a registry that holds training events and materials descriptive (discovery) metadata.
Is DReSA open to anyone?
Yes. DReSA is free and open to everyone interested in digital research skills, regardless of their location or affiliation. Free to access and search, also free to add events and training materials (with a registered user account).
What are Packages?
Packages are analogous to folders (or collections) in which users may group DReSA’s training materials or events for easy access during future visits. These collections can be created to address the user’s specific training needs. A title, description and keywords can be added to a Package to provide context. The search for training events and materials is done within the New Package form. Type in a relevant search term in the Materials or Training search bars. Choose appropriate materials and training from the drop down to add to your Package (refer to page 11 of the DReSA User Manual).
General Q&As for for trainers and providers:

Who can register content in DReSA?
We welcome any training content where the training events and materials are designed for delivery to Australian and New Zealand researchers, HDRs, PhD candidates and research support professionals who are working in digital research.
How can I add my training events and materials to DReSA?

There are a number of ways to add training events and materials after registering as a user and creating a free account.

1. Manual Submission:

Training providers and trainers can submit their training events and materials information directly through an online form on the DReSA website. This method offers flexibility and caters to providers who only have a small number of events and materials to share on DReSA and where automated options may not be straightforward. For information on Creating and Maintaining Events and Materials refer to the DReSA User Manual.

2. API Integration:

DReSA offers an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows providers to directly connect their training databases and automatically feed event information into the DReSA platform. This ensures real-time updates and reduces manual effort for both parties. Please email for help with setting this up.